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Five Transformative Tips to Make Your Goals Your Reality

I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits.

Goals are an excellent tool for motivation. If you don’t use them correctly, however, they can also be a source of frustration. Goals are only empowering if they are correctly used. So how do you make a goal into something that is a benefit for you? Goal-setting strategies are essential, especially to help you create the type of success you desire and deserve.

Here are five goal-setting techniques to help you realize them:

1. Balance your goals.

In your life, you will have personal development goals (e.g., being a better listener), personal finance goals (e.g., paying off debt), and material goals (e.g., buying a new home). Don’t neglect any of them, including your material goals. Material goals tend to get slack, but it’s okay to want things. Don’t forget to balance those pursuits with your own growth as a person, however. All of these goals are important, so be clear about them and make them real for you. The first step in making them real is first believing that you deserve these actualized goals.

2. Plan actions for your goals.

Goals are not items for your to-do list. Your goal is what you’re striving for. Plan specific actions that lead you towards these goals. Use the goals to provide you with a compass for those actions. When you plan your movements for the day, you can quickly tell if they’re going to be effective if you have clear goals to compare them against. What are your goals? Does how you spend your time move you closer to the goal being accomplished? If not, it’s time to either change the goal or your actions.

3. Share your goals.

If you were an archer, would you keep it a secret that your goal is to hit the bull’s eye? Too many keep their goals a secret, often with the belief that sharing the goal before it actualizes puts the “prize” at risk or fearing the potential shame that’ll come with not following through with the goal. However, an Ohio State University study found that participants who shared their goals with people they believed had a “higher status” than them (or whose opinion they generally respected) were more committed to accomplishing the goal. Further, they performed better! So share your goals, but do so with people who will support and encourage your aims.

4. Write down your goals.

Make your goals real by recording them. Put copies of your goals on index cards, keep copies in the car and in the bathroom, and regularly review them. Make them the center of your focus. Don’t just set them and then ignore them. Your goals are like a compass to tell you which way to go. The exciting part is that you get to choose the alignment of your compass.

5. Don’t give up.

Your goals and the actions you take to get them are different things. Don’t be afraid to try something, fail, and try something else. Take effective and massive action to meet them and understand that any true goals will take many steps to achieve. You’ll make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your goal. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s those who refuse to abandon their goals that actually achieve them.

Enjoyed this post? Check out Five Steps to Goal-Setting Success.

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I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. Follow me on social media @DrHassanRehab.

Dr. Hassan Akinbiyi

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