I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits.
When building a profitable practice, you must realize, without risk there is no reward. It’s important to know why you need to take risks to succeed. Taking a risk is scary, especially because you have no idea how things will turn out. And there’s always a big chance that things won’t work out at all. However, the reality is, you absolutely must take risks to succeed. I remember when I was taking the steps to build my practice, getting incorporated, finding a billing company, building my financial team, and searching for health insurance coverage. It was scary and a huge risk compared to some of the employee positions I passed up. But looking back at it, it was the risks that brought huge reward.
Keep reading to find out why.
By not taking risks, you will miss out on opportunities
Every time you take a risk, you open the doors to new opportunities that wouldn’t appear without that risk. If you never take a risk, you may never get the opportunity to do some amazing things. For example, if I would have elected to take an employee position instead of taking the leap and starting my own private practice (because I was scared to give up the false security of steady income and benefits from the employee position), I would have never gotten to the heights that I’ve gotten and continued to aspire to. Due to me betting on myself and taking the risk, I have plenty of hours during the day to seek out coaches and be exposed to opportunities that I would have otherwise missed, because of the lack of autonomy and time freedom in my employed job.
In taking risks, you’ll gain confidence
A major aspect of achieving success is being confident in yourself and your abilities. Is your confidence lacking a little bit? Well, taking some risks in your life can help with this. Although you may not always land on your feet when you do, you’ll learn a lot about yourself in the process and gain lots of valuable confidence in your abilities. I gained a tremendous amount of confidence as I had conversations with other physicians that were unhappy in their employed jobs. Knowing that my ability to take and tolerate risk led me to build the practice of my dreams. Even if this risk doesn’t go well, you can always give yourself a confident pat on the back knowing you tried your best.
When taking risks, you learn lessons
As previously mentioned, you can fail when you take a risk. Even if this happens to you, this is actually a good thing because you learn some valuable lessons when this happens. The lessons you learn from failure will help you grow wiser and stronger and make better decisions in the future. Plus, now you know one way how not to succeed. Playing it safe is not the same as doing nothing. You will never pursue your dreams by sitting on the couch doing nothing. And if you are too afraid to take risks, this is the same thing as doing nothing.
Resolve to step out of your comfort zone right away. Take a risk and get moving towards the goal that you have always wanted to achieve. Are you ready to start achieving success in your life? It’s time to start the process by taking the risk. Even if the risk doesn’t end well, you will open yourself up to opportunity, confidence, and learning new lessons — all of which are good things that will inevitably lead to your success.
Feelings of self-sabotage can prevent you from taking any necessary risks. Check out our blog post here for tips to keep self-sabotage at bay.
I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. Please go to businessofrehab.com/contractnegotiations to pick up the free guide to help you negotiate the contract of your dreams.
Attention, Physiatrists! Stop leaving money on the table. Sign up for the free video series: How To Build A Profitable Practice in 90 Days or Less: http://www.sixtytosuccess.com