I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits.
As discussed in “Catch the Entrepreneurial Spirit,” the entrepreneurial mindset is a way of thinking and maneuvering. It’s about how you approach challenges, setbacks, mistakes, and even wins. It is about an inherent need to improve your skills and cultivate tenacity. The entrepreneurial mindset is what you need to drive yourself forward.
To achieve or develop an entrepreneurial mindset, you must first have a healthy mindset. Do you feel you could use a healthier attitude toward life? Would you like to approach things differently? Is a more nutritious lifestyle attainable? The stress of modern life can sometimes make it difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, you can start by living healthier today by adopting a healthy mindset. Even if you find yourself leaning toward a pessimistic attitude, you can still achieve a healthy mindset; you just need to go about it in the right way. Here are a few ways to attain a healthier mindset:
Celebrate the fact that you want a healthier mindset
Many people sit back, look at their lives, and wish they can view things more positively. Then they beat themselves up for being negative and not having the attitude and responses they wish they had. This typical response doesn’t do anybody any good. Instead of feeling angry with yourself for responding to life the way you usually do, think positively about your desire to have a healthier mindset.
Find a safe, supportive outlet
One of the most successful paths to a healthy mindset is to find ways to deal with the stress in your life. For some people, this is as simple as writing in a journal or blog every day. Other people find that talking with friends or joining a support group is a rewarding experience. It’s essential to give voice to your thoughts and emotions. How you do this is up to you.
Eat healthy to feel healthy
Another way to achieving a healthy mindset is by eating the right foods and getting enough rest. When you feed your body healthy, nutritious foods and get the rest you need, you feel better all over. Your attitude, as well as your body, feels refreshed. Food and rest will not change how you respond to things if you react negatively, but it will be a great start. You don’t have to give up all junk food and your late-night activities but try swapping carrot sticks for French fries and an hour of sleep for whatever late-night talk show you desire.
Practice self-care and affirmations
You will find that you’ll acquire a healthier mindset when you take active steps to deal with your stress and treat your body with the tender, love, and care it deserves. Suddenly the world becomes a much more positive place when you pair these things with positive thinking. Positive thinking begins when you affirm the positive things in your life.
You can use the power of positive affirmations to reprogram your mind so you can think more healthily and positively. For example, each morning, you could say, “I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and soul.” This is a positive affirmation that can be used in moments of weakness when you are tempted to fill up on junk food, respond negatively to something, or trade sleep for something less critical.
When you create a healthy mindset by making good choices about food, rest, and positive thinking, you’ll enjoy the new ways you think, feel, and live. You’ll discover that your happier, healthier lifestyle has arrived. Your present or future physiatry practice will thank you too!
Check out my blog post on further developing your entrepreneurial mindset.
Attention, Physiatrists! Stop leaving money on the table. Sign up for the free video series: How To Build A Profitable Practice in 90 Days or Less: http://www.sixtytosuccess.com
I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. Follow me on social media @DrHassanRehab.