
February 2023

Using Statistics to Make Better Decisions

By |2023-02-27T13:26:36+00:00February 27th, 2023|Blog, Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. -- When building your profitable practice, it’s important that you make smart decisions, and you can use statistics to help you. This blog post won't teach you statistics. That is a complicated subject which requires a semesters worth [...]

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March 2022

Are Spontaneous Decisions Bad?

By |2022-03-01T01:23:41+00:00March 4th, 2022|Blog|

I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. -- When building a profitable practice, sometimes you will make impulse decisions. The question is: Are spontaneous decisions bad? When faced with decisions, you want to have the best information possible. Some people spend too much time trying to [...]

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February 2022

Decision Trees and Their Uses

By |2022-02-28T14:46:33+00:00February 28th, 2022|Blog|

I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. -- When building a profitable practice, you must learn to make decisions quickly, and you must develop a system to effectively make the right decisions. Decision trees can help you make the right decisions. Decision trees are tools used [...]

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Why Patience is a Key to Your Success

By |2022-02-14T18:17:30+00:00February 14th, 2022|Blog, Motivation|

I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. -- When building a profitable practice, patience is key. How does patience help you succeed? People want to succeed in their endeavors. They want to lose weight, or they want to get a promotion at work. Some want to [...]

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