
December 2023

Visualize Your Way to a Thriving Physiatry Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

By |2023-12-11T15:29:03+00:00December 15th, 2023|Entrepreneurship, Motivation, The Business of Rehab|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — In the world of physiatry, where the blend of medical expertise and business acumen is key, visualization emerges as a powerful tool for success. As a physiatrist and a business coach, I understand the unique challenges you [...]

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Revitalize Your Physiatry Practice: 4 Key Habits to Sharpen Focus and Boost Success

By |2023-12-11T14:42:57+00:00December 11th, 2023|Entrepreneurship, Motivation, The Business of Rehab|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — In the pursuit of success, there is one invaluable ingredient that plays a pivotal role: focus. It's the secret sauce that empowers us to stay laser-focused on our goals, dreams, and aspirations. Embracing focus means channeling our [...]

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October 2023

5 Benefits of Practicing Daily Optimism

By |2023-10-09T13:27:00+00:00October 9th, 2023|Blog, Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — There is increasing evidence that being optimistic about life has measurable benefits, not just for your mental health, but your physical well-being too. Scientific studies have shown that as you become more optimistic, your life will improve [...]

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Writing Down Anxious Thoughts Can Help Slow a Racing Mind

By |2023-10-02T11:56:48+00:00October 4th, 2023|Blog, Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — Anxious thoughts can cripple you into indecision. It can do the opposite as well. Your panic builds until you rashly take action that doesn't produce the greatest result. That's why dealing with anxious thoughts is important when [...]

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Living in the Present Moment Can Quiet an Anxious Mind

By |2023-10-02T11:49:23+00:00October 2nd, 2023|Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — Anxiety might not feel like a good thing, but it really is. It's related to a natural stress response that wants to let you know that something bad might be happening. Anxious and stressful thoughts come and [...]

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August 2023

The Negative Effects of Long-Term Insomnia

By |2023-08-31T11:28:45+00:00August 28th, 2023|Blog, Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — The most common experiences of insomnia are short-term in nature. You sleep regularly, and then a change in your routine, dietary changes, a medical prescription, or some other factor causes a disruption in your usually healthy sleep [...]

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July 2023

3 Ways Reading More Can Improve Your Life

By |2023-07-31T16:54:32+00:00July 31st, 2023|Blog, Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — Who doesn't want to have a better life? We all do. Sometimes in seeking to improve our lives, we overlook simple but powerful practices. Reading is simple to do, and it can have an incredibly strong impact [...]

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Stop Worrying and Solve Problems. Here’s How.

By |2023-07-17T13:10:04+00:00July 21st, 2023|Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — Clutter of the mind is and isn't like physical or visual clutter. It's similar to clutter. You can see that it can be very distracting. The difference is you can't reach out your hand and remove a [...]

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3 Ways to Quickly Declutter Your Mind

By |2023-07-17T12:47:37+00:00July 19th, 2023|Motivation|

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. — We usually think of clutter as physical. It's all that "stuff" you keep promising yourself you'll clean up. Left alone, it seems to multiply on its own. Where you just had a few things out of place [...]

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