I’m Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrist and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own profitable practices so they can achieve financial independence and live without limits.

When building a profitable practice, I guarantee you, you will be frustrated at some point. Frustrations come in many forms. Unfortunately, you’ll find that even small things can get under your skin, especially when they pile up. Reducing daily frustrations will help keep you more focused on your tasks and in a positive state of mind.

How do you reduce daily frustrations and keep them from ruining your life?

  1. Examine the frustration. First, you need to determine whether this is a common frustration or a symptom of something bigger. What’s going on and how are you reacting? If you’re finding yourself overreacting to the frustration, it might be that the stress you’re feeling doesn’t have to do with frustration at all. If that’s the case, you’ll want to address the bigger problem. However, you can easily manage small frustrations.
  2. Know the cause. Once you’ve determined what the frustration is, take some time to understand why the situation is frustrating to you. If you’re unsure, you might want to spend some time in thought, or even putting your words on paper to understand this better.
  3. Ask whether your frustration is misplaced. If you think you are the cause of your own frustration, ask yourself why that is. Your response will tell you a lot. If words like stupid or lazy come up, you’re likely responding to some trigger that has nothing to do with you. Perhaps, it’s your inner critic that needs to be checked. (See our last blog post.) Not every frustration has a clear cause or a solution. Sometimes things happen outside your control, and you need to just let them go.
  4. Adjust your timing. No one can deal with frustration when they’re tired and energy is lagging. Take care of frustrations when you’re at peak energy and ability. For example, if you’re not a morning person, save frustrating tasks for the afternoon.
  5. Take the randomness out of the day. By putting yourself on a schedule or keeping a strict routine, there’s less room for surprises, which might be frustrating you. Keep the randomness out by creating a schedule which includes even the most mundane tasks in your day, such as brushing your teeth.
  6. Ask if it’s worth fighting for. Frustration comes when you’re trying to control something out of your grasp. Ask yourself if this is battle worth pursuing, or if you can let this one go.
  7. Practice conscious listening. A lot of frustrations come when you’re not communicating well with someone else. Slow down and listen to what the other person is saying. Reiterate their position by showing you’re clear on what they’re saying. Take time to think about your response and make sure you’re both clear on what you’re trying to say.
  8. Find release. Frustration brings up adrenaline levels. Punch a pillow, work out, or clean the house. Do something physical to release pent up energy. When you manage your frustrations, you’re free to become a calmer, happier person.

Don’t let daily frustrations run you down. Stay calm and work these tips, and you’ll soon see a change in how you’re able to deal with life and face the world.

I am Dr. Hassan, a Board-Certified Physiatrists and Independent Practice Owner. I help physiatrists start and grow their own independent practice so that they can achieve financial independence and live without limits. Please go to businessofrehab.com/guide to pick up the free guide to help you determine the best business entity for your new practice.


It’s hard to maintain a positive attitude during stressful situations. Check out our blog here for tips on maintaining your cool through the chaos.

Attention, Physiatrists! Stop leaving money on the table. Sign up for the free video series: How To Build A Profitable Practice in 90 Days or Less: http://www.sixtytosuccess.com